Care Coordinator

Nurse Holding Patient's Hand

Care Coordinator

Walking with others through the diagnosis of a serious illness

 In my new role as an End of Life Consultant, I am available to help those facing a serious or terminal diagnosis in a variety of ways. I use my deep experience within oncology and hospice nursing to offer guidance, teaching, and support.

As a serious diagnosis unfolds, there is a myriad of tests, medical appointments, and complex information to understand and relay to concerned family members. Most often, the client and the family are anxious and worried; these emotions prevent them from the full absorption of the information and options that are offered.  As a Care Coordinator,  I walk with the client through this process, helping to coordinate and attend appointments with them. In this way, I act as their advocate and am available to accurately reinforce the information that was given. I am available to repeat this as often as needed, to assure that the client understands and is ready to make the decision that is right for him. I also help to reassure out of town family members (that are designated by the client) with thorough and compassionate information about the client’s health and prognosis. Adult children living out of the area can then be confident that they are receiving accurate information, and that their parent has a knowledgeable guide walking alongside during this process.